Innovative Nuclear Systems

The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology is planning to hold the course on ‘Innovative Nuclear Systems’ during 7-10 April 2025.
The course will be held in person at KIT Campus South, and will cover some state-of-the-art topics related to innovative nuclear systems:
  • Gen III Reactors
  • Small Modular Reactors
  • Nuclear Power Systems for Space Exploration
  • ADS, Partitioning and Transmutation
  • Gen IV Reactors
  • Sodium Fast Reactor
  • Fuel Cycle
  • Molten Salt Reactor
  • Fusion
The lectures will be offered by specialists from KIT, Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH, Chinese Academy of Science / Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics (CAS/SINAP), Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) and Joint Research Centre (JRC).
The event will comprise also a tour of fusion and sodium installations at KIT Campus North.
All students who complete the course will receive a certificate.