Acronym/Funding number: CPC-HD/02NUK062
Duration: 01.06.2021 – 31.05.2025
Coordinator: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Xu Cheng, IATF KIT
Contact: projekt-office: CPC-HD ∂ IATF kit edu
The scientific goal is the experimental investigation and modeling of the CHF and Post-CHF heat transfer at high pressure. The experiments will be conducted on a total of three facilities, each with a different fluid. Once with Freon R134a at the KIMOF of the IATF/KIT, with Water at the HIPER of the LES/TUM and once with CO2 at the Scarlett of the IKE/University of Stuttgart. The modelling part will be done in cooperation with all project partners and will be implemented into the STH-Program with the help of GRS gGmbH, which will increase the meaningfulness.
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Sub-Project AUniversität Stuttgart
Sub-Project BTechnische Universität München
Sub-Project CGesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit
Sub-Project D